Sunday, September 25, 2011

Si Tu Savais

I googled "Si Tu Savais from The Awakening" and I found this... it is, if I may say myself, not very pleasant to listen to, and I do not think that Robert would have subjected Edna to listening to this on their first date (sorry, I'm being catty....), but I do like the lyrics. It seems to fit the book well. This is just an interpretation of what one artist thought it might sound like. There are many other songs titled "Si Tu Savais" since it means "If You Only Knew" which I'd imagine many musicians use as a song title, but this is specifically about the book. Anyway, here it is. Feel free not to listen to it, I think his accent might be worse than ours, but again, the lyrics are kind of interesting. See you!


  1. Extremely ear-splittingly horrible singing (no offense random youtube dude). Wouldn't it be funny if he was reading this blog? Ok, i am getting sidetracked... The lyrics are very interesting, and relate to robert and edna alot. Even we can do better french accents than him, oui, oui!

  2. Haha yes, I agree completely Claire, but we gotta give him credit for trying! I think he did do a good job with the lyrics, though so kudos to him :D

  3. wait, can other people comment on our blog other than us, or can they only read?

  4. I think other people can comment...

  5. I think the only way people could find us is if they specifically search "GMStheawakening" on the internet, because even "GMS the awakening" doesn't bring up our posts. (However, "GMStheawakening" brings our posts and other literary circle's book posts up.)

  6. hhhhhh the way this made me laugh
