Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hey, in this weeks reading I found this quote that just showed how much Edna doesn't care about her children, "she would never sacrifice herself for her children," (72) Enda is telling Rat her opinion and Rat is telling her she's wrong which also exposes their rough relationship and enforces Rat's firm belief that Enda is a horrible mother, which she is, but you know... here's a painting thingy of the house, because in the section we read this week it described her room so i thought it was fitting, also her's the link to about the author


  1. Is this picture from a different cover of The Awakening?

  2. Clara: I'm not sure, but it seems like it might be since it's kind of like the one on our book.

    Laurel: I think I'd disagree with you about how that relates to her not loving her children. Like we talked about on Friday, I think sacrificing yourself is wayyyy worse than sacrificing your life. I think the fact that Edna is willing to sacrifice her life shows that she does love her children at least a little bit (in this weeks reading she also bought the kids candy so she's obviously thinking about them at least). But I definitely agree with you about what it demonstrates about Rat and Edna's relationship. It seems like they're better friends at home than they are at the Grand Isle.
