Thursday, September 8, 2011

Quote on Bottom of pg 11

"If one of the little Pontellier boys took a tumble whilst at play, he was not apt to rush crying to his mothers arms for comfort; he would more likely pick himself up, wipe the water out of his eyes and the sand out of his mouth, and go on playing."
That's such a sad relationship, it "toughens up" the kids but it would being strange growing up with little to none love and affection because she just doesn't really care. She's very wrapped up in her own little world.


  1. In her defense, it doesn't sound like her situation is all that hot right now either. I definitely wish that the kids would have more support, though. Whereee's the father through all of thissss??

  2. That is really sad. I think Mrs. Pontellier doesn't feel comfortable being a mother or wife.

  3. Mrs. P should be more attentive to her kids.
