Sunday, October 2, 2011

Saved Appearances & more on Edna-Rat relationship

On pg 144 Mr. Pontellier is "saving appearances" by having his house redone so his wife can quietly slip away to her "pigeon" house, their family is so sad and broken, Mr Pontellier is off working keeping social connections (we were showed this was important to him when he freaked over her being out on tuesday) while Edna is having affairs and committing suicide, and their children are staying off on a farm which bring us to
"In some way you seem to me like a child, Edna. You seem to act without a certain amount of reflection which is necessary in this life..." Their relationship has so many levels, they're friends, but they tell men not to go after the other, they admire the other's artistic work but they call each other's parenting skills incompetent, it very strange.


  1. I thought I understood Rat at the beginning, and then all of the sudden she became this sweet, loving friend so I readjusted my expectations. Then all of a sudden she came back to this weirdo friend. I wonder if maybe the change in her attitude isn't from Rat herself, but from Edna's point of view of her. Maybe the words just feel different the more depressed she gets. She was depressed at the beginning, and clearly at the end. Whooooooooo knows...

  2. Leonce and the Rat both suck! I mean no offense to Chopin, but couldn't she have interested the plot a liiiiiittttttlllllleeeee bit more by edna having at least a supportive friend???? THen the could have committed suicide together, that would be soooooooooo dramatic. If this book took place in 2011, Edna and the Rat would have some epic PTO mom battle, and the Rat would end up telling the principal that Edna helped Raoul with his homework, and Edna would tell the prez of the PTO that the Rat didn't show up for hot lunch duty. But since the book was set in the 1800's, edna just keeps her anger at Leonce/Rat inside and then kills herself.

    / \
    / \
    / \
    | |
    | RIP |
    | EDNA |
    | |

  3. That weird RIP EDNA thing was supposed to be a tombstone.....

  4. Ha, nice tombstone. But, yes, I agree that the Rat-Edna relationship is kind of strange. I feel like they shouldn't be friends at all, and the only reason Rat is staying in touch with Edna is because she feels like advising her is like doing community service or something. Does anyone else get that feeling?
