Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Unsocial Awkward Edna

"Alcee Arobin wrote Edna an elaborate note of apology, palpitant with sincerity. It embarrassed her; for in a cooler, quieter moment it appeared to her absurd that she could have taken his action so seriously, so dramatically."
(Alcee is her second lover to replace Robert) it's so weird that they're like loves and then he sends her this formal apology, kind of like the lion saving appearances, they're so proper yet rude and stiff.


  1. I noticed that, especially in this week's reading. There are times when Edna will just say "I do not like you, nor do I wish to talk to you. LEAVEEE!" I don't quite understand how people could get away with that...

  2. Well, I think Edna is a kind of impulsive person, as well as a little mood-swingy.
    At one point, in the garden, (pg. 163) she's saying “You are the embodiment of selfishness . . . You save yourself something – I don’t know what – but there is some selfish motive, and in sparing yourself you never consider for a moment what I think, or how I feel your neglect and indifference. I suppose this is what you would call unwomanly; but I have gotten into a habit of expressing myself. It doesn’t matter to me, and you may think me unwomanly if you like.”
    and then after he tries to retaliate, she's like "I'm spoiling your dinner, Robert; never mind what I say. You haven't eaten a morsel."
    But I also found it interesting how the first quote declares expressing herself as unwomanly.
